


About ZBMU Publishing Group


Zabol University of Medical Sciences (ZBMU), as one of the well-known universities of Sistan and Baluchistan province, was founded in 2005. This University is the house of several nationally well-known infrastructures, schools, departments, research centers and institutes. ZBMU provides a wide range of educational programs and research opportunities .

Publishing Group of ZBMU publishes scientific books, monographs and hosts several academic journals in medical fields, biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences and technologies. The Medical Journal of ZBMU,named (International Journal of Basic Science in Medicine)has lunched in 2016,and it`s one of the leading journals in the field of medical research in Iran. Today, ZBMU has expanded its publishing activities to scientific journals in English and Persian. 



Scholarly journal publication at ZBMU is directed by the ZBMU Publishing Group as part of the Department of Vice Chancellor for Research & Technology, aiming to integrate the scientific enterprise at ZBMU.

Publishing Group of this University acts as a leading publishing group nationally and aims at expanding its activity to an international level by flourishing and providing new dominions of medical sciences. For this purpose, the in-house Academic Publication Office works with editorial offices around and off campus. 

To harmonize its academic activities, ZBMU Publishing Group holds regular monthly meetings of the “Scholarly Journals Council” to discuss about the scientific goals, strategic plans, and etc.

The members of the council include the Vice Chancellor for Research (Head of ZBMU Publishing Group), the supervisor of the Academic Publication Office and the Chief Editors of the journals published by ZBMU Publishing Group. To enable further research and development in scholarly publication, the “Expert Committee of Scholarly Journal Publication” holds regular monthly meetings to explore new areas of interest and to develop strategic plans in dealing with challenges and the expansion of activities.

Magazine Office :

Shahid Rajaee Street,Deputy of Research and Technology,Zabol University of Medical Science,Zabol,Iran .


+98 54 32 22 2069


Central Office of Deputy of Research and Technology:

Shahid Rajaeei Street,Zabol,Iran .


+98 54 32 23 0768


Last Update At : 08 May 2017